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Hello lovelies, these photos were taken on Monday morning at 8am. We were so thrilled to have the snow back on Sunday, we wasn't expecting it at all! It really lifted our spirits after being stuck in the house with non stop rain. Our daily walk is something we really look forward to, so we had a fab family walk on Sunday then Monday I decided to make the most of the snow and took us out again bright and early before homeschooling down the hill on the sledge and there wasn't another soul in sight! It was perfect and the kids had so much fun.

Oscar had so much fun throwing the snow in the air, chucking snowballs at everyone and thinking he was an extra on the cool runnings bob sleigh team! 

Lawson isn't a fan of how terribly cold the snow is haha and we had quite a few moans Sunday so I decided to try out some washing up gloves over his normal gloves and it really helped! Not any moans of cold hands until we was about two minutes away from our house haha. I'm not a fan of how cold it is but the snow does make me happy, it makes everywhere look so much more pretty and seeing the kids happy is priceless. 

Have you had any snow and been enjoying it?



Hello lovelies, have you all been enjoying the snow? I know it can be a pain for a lot of people but it really lifted our spirits yesterday when it snowed heavy and stuck! We headed out on our sledges and had a really fun family day and the world almost felt a little bit normal. We even went out again in it early this morning before homeschool because the kids had so much fun. It was so nice to see their big smiles and doing something fun for the kids with not being able to go anywhere at the minute. 

So with all this snow I thought why not share with you all a quick simple and easy arts and craft activity you can do with all the snow! 

All you need is -
Snow obviously, food colouring, a little bit of water and some tools, preferably a pipette or a paintbrush. 

Get some snow and put it into a tray or bowl.
Simply add some food colouring into a little dish and add a dash of water and mix.
Apply the pipette or paintbrush to the food colouring mixture and paint away, make a pretty picture.

Or you could make homeschooling fun and do your phonics in there, learn to write your name, shapes, colours. Whatever helps your child out and makes learning fun! Tag me on Instagram with your creations if you have a go. 



Hello lovelies, I've wanted to join Donna's 'Living Arrows' posts forever! Now I finally am, I love the concept behind it all. Just sharing a couple/few photos once a week to look back on. 

   “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” 

This week I've chosen some photos from yesterdays walk, a beautiful place we found in the first lockdown on a random walk! If you're local to Rugeley its called The Heritage Trail, if you follow the path you come to this gorgeous waterfall, if you keep walking you will come to another one! Just not as pretty then carry on walking and you will get to the Chase. The kids absolutely love this walk and its become our bit of sanity in the craziness of corona and homeschooling. It's so nice to just get outdoors and make your own adventure. 



Hello lovelies, Happy New Year from my family to yours.

Well what a year we just had right? I won't even go into 2020 but it defo had some ups and downs and has still left confusion, bit of worry and a lot of anxiety going into 2021 but we just have to take it day by day at the minute right?! 

So I don't know about you lot but I thought I'm not setting any New year resolutions because let's be honest do we ever stick to them? Plus if this year is anything like last year I'm defo going to be eating my body weight in all the cakes I'm baking, completing Netflix and the only steps I'm taking is to the fridge and back to the sofa.

But with that in mind its good to have some yearly goals to try and work towards, here's mine -

1. Making better choices, with health in mind I don't make the best food choices at the minute. I'm still scoffing share bags of crisps/chocolate and definitely not sharing them. I'm not moving my body as much and just generally feel sluggish and lazy so I need to make better food choices and get my heart rate going.

2. More self care, I focus so much on other people and looking after them I always put myself low on the to do list so this really needs to change! More pampering, looking after me and finding me again.

3. Read more, I say this every year but I love reading I just never find the time to do it, but that's really excuses! I can easily spend an hour or two scrolling on Insta or get lost in a TikTok hole! So surely I can read.

4. Be less of a hermit, obviously rona isn't helping this goal just of yet but last year truly made me realise how much of a bloody hermit I am haha! I need to socialise more, get out the house more and just try and enjoy life out the house a bit. My family is my everything but I need to get a bit of the old me back and look for some hobbies!

5. Get back into blogging, well I'm here so that's a good start right? I used to love blogging back in 2013/14 where everyone was super friendly and got on! I want to get back into it and find those like minded people again. I also love looking back on old blog posts for memories.

6. Travel, again when rona clears away and we all get the jab and the world is hopefully a bit more 'normal' we can go to more places! We did actually buy a caravan in the first lockdown and its been the best thing we bought, a great escapism and have truly loved local holidays last year. We really want to go to France, I mean I'm dying to go to Disney and we've seen some gorgeous camps with swimming pools and everything. Me and Dan both share a passion for travelling and want to take the kids on adventures with us and show them the world/more of Europe haha. 

So there is some of my goals for 2021, have you got any?