Hello lovelies, did anyone else feel like January had 1356,0987 days in it?! I couldn't wait for pay day to arrive! Felt like I was holding on by a thread, but everything has been paid up and were all back on track, even though the heating bills are astronomical and so are the food shops, were healthy and have a lovely home to keep us safe!
Despite us being skint in January we had a lovely month, lots of walking! My steps have been amazing on my fitbit, thanks to my cute puppy! He gets walked twice a day and nice longer walks on the weekends. We've had family walks, date walks and even been on walks with friends. Oakley had his first ever groom this month and its helped massively with the bath time now, he sits so lovely now where as before he was fighting me to get out haha! We took the kids to clip and climb, we've been to local parks, fields and we've been to mcdonalds, slim chickens and stags leap. Me and Dan managed to sneak two little dates in this month! Both at The Horns Inn, the first one was a cute coffee and dog walk and the second one was a dog walk and lunch, the food was absolutely stunning!
I met two new cute babies! Dans cousins and my friends. My poor little niece has been in and out of hospital bless her with her colds causing her to struggle breathing but hopefully she recovers soon!
My brother and his partner came down from Evesham and we met their adorable puppy Max. We visited my dad and sister together. Still can't get over how positive she is through everything she is going through. Her radiotherapy is now done, the next is chemo!
I joined a new fitness class this month, Martial Arts! I've been absolutely loving it, I joined with my work bestie Holly and its so much fun. Kickboxing and punching, my arms are really aching today mind! But it's great for my body and mind. I've been enjoying some lego sets, particularly the floral ones. I also started journaling this year and I'm really going to try hard and stick with it this year, It's nice to look back on all the nice or not so nice things we got up to.
I've been juggling mom life and work whilst Dan has worked away all of this month, it's been tough and I've missed him loads but he has to go where the money is in his job role sadly! We're both in a really good place at the minute, it's nice to feel really happy and in love after 13 years together. We've had our ups and downs but were really happy at the minute and enjoying it! Planning future date nights and little family trips for the year.
Book I'm reading this month -
Call of the penguins Hazel Prior, I loved the first one and I'm enjoying the sequel I just really haven't prioritised reading this month and sadly didn't get chance to finish it! I really wanted to read at least one book a month but I'm working on it! I've set myself a challenge to read 10 books this year as I'm such a slow reader and never give myself time to do so.
Music I've loved and listened to on Spotify -
Wednesday soundtrack, 80's, 90's, Golden hour JVKE and Miley Cyrus Flowers.
Products I've loved this month -
L'Occitane body milk*, it's from their new Lavender CBD range, it smells insane and is so quick and easy to put on after the shower, I'm so lazy with body skincare but I use this almost every day at the minute! DHC Cleansing oil, I used this all the time back in the day when I was a full time beauty blogger and I saw it on offer online over the Christmas period and fell back in love with it! L'Oreal infallible foundation, again another throw back I remember wearing this back when I used to be able to get in the pubs at 16/17 and the smell just sends me right back! But it still really works for my skin and I love my complexion using this foundation and it doesn't cost the earth.
Films I've Watched -
On the line 3/5 and Lyle Lyle Crocodile 5/5.
I adored Lyle Lyle Crocodile me and the kids watched it in my bed whilst Dan was away and we had a bed full of snacks and it was a real good family feel good film! Who wouldn't enjoy a singing crocodile right?! On the line had potential, it was very gripping in parts but I had a feeling the ending was going to happen the way it did and it did it was just a bit uhh after all of that! But it was ok.
TV shows I watched -
Rosie Malloy gives up everything, Ernest Shackleton Documentary, Simpsons, The Light in the hall, The family pile, Traitors US, Sort your life out and one and only one episode of The Last of us.
So The Last of us just wasn't something for me anyway but I was willing to give it a try for Dan, he also got bored after 3 or 4 episodes so gave up. My eldest was enjoying it but didn't want to watch it alone. Rosie Malloy, Don't watch if you're an addict! It was basically about an alcoholic and drug addict who keeps going in and escaping rehab! A really pointless show to be honest and I love Sheriden smith! We binge watched the US Traitors after loving the British one so much, we only agreed on watching it as we didn't know the 'celebs'. We watched the Ernest Shackleton documentary because one Oscar was learning about him in school and two Dan said he watched it before and it was an amazing story! That is was. Simpsons was just a throw back, I watch it with the kids sometimes and it takes me back to my youth. The family pile was a very easy light hearted watch on ITV, they're only 25-30 min episodes. I adore Stacey Solomon and I love anything to do with sorting so Sort your life out is a bit of me, this is the second series, I absolutely love it. Then lastly The light in the hall, this was a fantastic drama on I think ITV too! Highly recommend.
What did you do in January? I'd love to know and if you have any TV recommendations xx