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I don't know about you but the years seem to be passing us by quicker and quicker each time they come around which make the months even faster! So I decided in my journal to write nine things every month I would like to do. I colour in the boxes once I've done it, is there anything more satisfying? 

So my nine things that I have this month are -

  • Do something crafty
  • Date night with Dan
  • One evening with Lawson
  • One evening with Oscar 
  • Try a new recipe 
  • Yoga
  • Do a YouTube dance video
  • Visit a friend
  • Pamper night

Some things on my list may seem small to you but sometimes life gets so busy that we forget or don't have the time to do those little tasks. I work and I don't stop with the pup and the kids after school pick up so making time for me and them on their own is a main priority I always want to maintain.

I absolutely love being creative so I always have this on my monthly make it happen list as well as spending one on one time with the boys and a date night with Dan. It's so important when you're in a relationship with kids that you make time for each other. It could just be going for lunch or an evening meal, the cinema or a little shopping trip. It doesn't have to be expensive, you could even go on a nice long walk together child free, that's free! It's just about having that quality time with each other. 

I tend to also add try a new recipe every month as I get sick of thinking what to have for tea most nights! Recently I have been absolutely loving Taming Twins blog for recipes, she has so many quick and easy ones and they're so yummy! I also always have visit a friend because I am so guilty at not seeing my friends, I just feel like I don't have the time to fit it all in, but even just meeting for a quick coffee is nice! I recently visited my friend Antonia at her house, she's recently had a gorgeous baby boy Reef and it was so lovely to see her gorgeous home and baba! I'm always a call or text away with any friend but definitely need to make sure I find time to actually see them in person. 

Yoga is something I really want to get back into, now I'm in my 30's my joints just aren't the same anymore, I want to feel a bit more flexible! It's so good for the mind too! As is exercise and dancing is my favourite so I'm going to make sure I have time to fit in a fun dance workout this month. 

What things would you have on your make it happen list?!


  1. Totally with you on putting small things on the list otherwise I don't end up doing simple self care things! Love this idea and may give it a go myself.
    Amy x

  2. This is a great idea. I might make a little list myself x

  3. I love all these things you would like to do in March, I hope you get to do them all! x

    Lucy Mary

  4. I need to actually complete my list of things to do I have said since January me and Matt need date time and we still don’t do it but loving your blog 💜

  5. Great Post love this paige such great ideas. Think I may plan a few ideas myself, I keep buying books and putting off reading so going to try to read even if a couple of pages a week it's something. Going to do something with husband we already are going to see circus of horrors this month and a family members anniversary meal. Going to try to a lest one get fit with Rick video. Never done yoga would love to try it sometime. I like scrapbooking I'm working on one so would like to add some to it this month xxx

  6. I totally agree its so easy to get distracted and be too busy to do the little things that mean a lot! xx

  7. This is a great idea! Time does seem to fly by and I'm often left feeling like I've not done as much as I should have!

    Corinne x

  8. I love this! A monthly make it happen list makes so much sense. And you're right, no matter how big or small they are they're worth putting on the list. Because life gets in the way doesn't it! I love the idea of having specific nights with each child. This is somehting we always said we'd do but very rarely do. One on one time is so beneficial. Good luck with your month!


  9. Love this idea and being held accountable. I am desperate to get back into some kind of yoga!

  10. Having quality time with your other half is so important isn't it x


Thank you ever so much for your comments, I value them all and try to get back to you all soon as possible. Lots of love xxx