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Hello lovelies, todays pet of the week is Poppy owned by her lovely owner Hannah. 


1. What is the name of your pet? Poppy

2.What is Poppy's favourite thing to do? She loves her daily walks, especially if it’s somewhere new that she can explore. 

3. What is Poppy's favourite treat? Poppy loves cheese but since little N arrived, she’s happy to nibble most things he has in his hands, or drops on the floor from his highchair for her – he loves to share!

4. What do you love doing with Poppy most? While I was pregnant I loved our afternoon cuddles on the sofa, she often dozed off with her head resting on the bump.

5. What made you give the name Poppy? We’re a military family and volunteer for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal every year, so it made sense to name her after something important to us.

 6. What's the thing you love most about Poppy?  If I have to pick just one, her ‘funny five minutes’ tearing around the house wins. There’s never any obvious reason why she suddenly has a burst of energy, but it never fails to make us all laugh as she jumps up and off sofas, races up and down the stairs and squeezes through small gaps between the furniture at super speed.

7. Has Poppy got a funny story or even a bad one?  One of the first few times we let her out in the back garden she found a really long stick and tried to run back in the house with it – she then bounced off the door frame – luckily we caught it on video! She was a little dazed, but still held on to the stick, turned her head sideways and tried again!

8. Can Poppy do any tricks?  No, we never got past teaching her how to sit, and even then it’s usually only on her terms! 

9. If you could give Poppy anything what would it be?  More time and attention – since little N arrived last year she’s definitely been neglected as she’s no longer the most demanding little one in the house!

10. Some facts about Poppy? Poppy...
  • hates anyone in a high-vis jacket and car doors that slide (i.e. a delivery van or people carrier)
  • prefers people to other dogs
  • loves the hair dryer and will sit patiently to be dried after she’s had a bath
  • sleeps under our bed or the cot and will come in and see where I am if little N is about to stir and needs me – the ideal baby monitor! 
You can tell Hannah how cute Poppy is over on her Twitter here.


Thank you ever so much for your comments, I value them all and try to get back to you all soon as possible. Lots of love xxx