4 March 2019Hello lovelies, didn't really stick to my plan since my last overview huh?!
But I'm here non the less, were now in March and in a week or so it will have been a whole year since I lost my mum and I don't understand how fast that has gone by. I'll save that for a whole new post though, I'm going to write an online letter to my mum and how I've coped with loosing her. But today's post is all about what we got up to over February.
I have been keeping a scrapbook for us as a family which will be lovely to look back on at the end of the year and the kids can see all the adventures we had!
We had half term in February so we were very busy, on the Monday I had to have a work meeting so my nan took the boys to a local theatre and watched Small foot on their little cinema, Tuesday we had a pretty chilled one staying in our pjs and playing with toys in the house, Wednesday we went on a hungry caterpillar trail with our library then we went back and made a hungry caterpillar mobile, the boys loved that! Thursday we went to Dudley Zoo and it was amazing! I managed to get n amazing bargain through Groupon for £23 for all four of us to go, Me, my mother in law and the boys it was such a great value, so many lovely animals, parks and the castle! We learned all about the castle history on their ghost walk and seen animals being fed, bird shows and the best part was feeding the lorikeets nectar. Friday we went to our local park and wrote it all down in Oscars learning journey for him to show his teacher.
Between finishing of our extension me and Dan have seriously pounded Netflix! Were such binge watchers as soon as we get into a show, were late to the party but were currently watching Bates Motel, Dan literally just rang me on his work break and said I can't stop thinking about Bates Motel haha. Were almost there on the extension now though, we have painted the fire breast navy blue, dining table and chairs are in, the Kitchen came Friday so that should be completed by this weekend hopefully, then I can fill my empty cupboards and organise it all, my favourite thing to do.
Reading - I'm currently reading Ruth Jones - Never Greener, it's a great easy read it's just taking me so long to read it because I only ever really read when I go to bed and then one or two chapters in I'm falling asleep! I need to stop scrolling on my phone of an evening or binge watching netflix and read more, I really want to read more this year. I am currently reading to the kids David Walliams FING, were already over half way and we didn't get it that long ago, the boys are in love with it and laugh their heads off at it. It's Oscars favourite book he said and its made me splurge on to a few more of his books, we already read Bad dad and the Ice monster and we think he's a brilliant author!
Watching - So like I mentioned before were really into Netflix haha! These are some of the shows we have watched from January to February, Dirty John, Dating around, Russian Doll (haven't completed), You, Bird box and an Australian home programme that is a bit like four in a bed in the UK but I can't think what it's called! Now were binge watching Bates Motel.
Listening - Shallow by Lady gaga I can't stop singing it since watching A star is born! I've also been listening to a lot of Queen because we went to a Queen tribute act Saturday night so I was listening to all the songs to prepare myself for a rock off!
Playing - I've been playing Mario Kart with the kids most nights on the Wii, we've been playing with the lego more, shop keepers with Lawson, that's his favourite thing to do or making me dinner in his kitchen. We were enjoying the weather and playing outside more but the weather has gone back to freezing now!
Wearing - Well my make up is actually pretty much the same from my September overview! I really must switch around my make up considering I have so much of it. It will make me more decisive then about what I need and what I don't as I want to minimilize my collection. Clothes wise pretty much the same again but I am loosing weight so it is nice to get back into my jeans again!
What did you get up to in February?
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