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Hello lovelies, today I thought as it wasn't too freezing I thought we would actually get outside into the fresh air and feed the ducks, as it had been a while since we last fed our feathered friends in the park, Oscar loves them! We had a good hour in the park, after feeding the duckies we had a run about on the grass with his ball, he did more running than I did as you can imagine, I look like a whale as it is, no one needs my chunky ass running around, I'd cause an earthquake aha! We had lots of fun though and after a bit of shopping and lunch in town we played some more in the back garden, Oscar helped me a little with the raking then he soon ran of to the trampoline, can hardly blame him really, it didn't take too long for me to get fed up with the gardening either. Sometimes it's nice to just have a little adventure into the outdoors and get some fresh air, it's totally free and saves chucking the bread away! We never get through a loaf so the day it goes out of date we give it to the birds/ducks and gives Oscar some play time outdoors which is always good. If you would like to know what Oscar is wearing...


Pregnancy update: I am now 22 weeks pregnant, woah, what?! Is it just me or is it flying by? I am also having another little boy! I'm not going to lie I did want a girl before I found out, just to be nice to have once of each but I said as long as its healthy that's all that matters and I am actually over the moon about it, Oscar will have a brother and a life long best friend to play with and I know what I'm doing with boys! I just hope to god he has Oscars sleeping patterns as he was an angel, I am really excited though and just starting to buy things for him now, I still have a few bits and bobs from Oscar that he never worn so tomorrow will be sorting the loft out and keeping and taking to the charity shop things I no longer want. I am in need of a pregnancy pillow now, sleeping has started to get really uncomfortable as bump is getting bigger and bigger and his kicks are starting to get harder, the best bit about having your bump is feeling your baby wriggle inside, I missed this once Oscar was finally here ans it just gives you the biggest warmth and satisfaction that your baby is wriggling about happily inside and sometimes acknowledges your little nudges, its magical. Oscar has felt his baby brother too which was a special moment and is always kissing my bump and giving it a cuddle, he says hello baby so I can't wait to see his face when the baby actually arrives, not nervous at all to be having a baby and a toddler to look after in May...

I hope you all have a marvelous week and would love to know what you love doing with your toddlers.

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