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No7 Mini eyeshadow palette | Jo Malone Candle | Yankee Candle 
Liz Earle Gift set | Kiehl's facial cream | Charlotte Tilbury mini lipsticks

Hello lovelies, today I thought I would share with you what I am lusting after and would love to get these on my birthday or maybe get them myself with money I get for my birthday. I am 25 on the 11th of November and I feel so old I know it's only 25 but to me thats like ahh half way to 50! I've gone off splurging on make up to be honest, I know shock horror! But since we have two beautiful boys I would just rather all my money go on them, clothes especially! I love shopping clothes for boys but my lovely partner is treating me to a night in Liverpool the weekend of my birthday and he said he's going to treat me so it will be really nice to spoil myself with my birthday money and get some time for ourselves and shop till we drop.

I loved the shades in the mini No7 eye shadow palette, especially the plum type one gorgeous and perfect for autumn and winter, I have always wanted a Jo Malone candle too but still think its freaking ridiculous priced for a candle I'll be scared to burn it but sweet almond and macaroon just sounds like a dream for the nose! I love my yankee candles and haven't tried the snowflake cookie one so may have to purchase that, LOVE LOVE LOVE the look of the Charlotte Tilbury mini lipsticks, like I need anymore but cute little lipsticks? I NEED them. I also love my Liz earle cleanser so will be good to get another cleanser its one of my favourites and they always bring out some great gift sets near Christmas then lastly I'm in need of a life changing moisturiser! I have tried so many and none of them make me think wow that's dong a good job so maybe this one from Khiels will? Who knows.

What's on your wish lists? If you have one comment below I love seeing what other people are lusting over. 

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