Hello lovelies, today I have for you a special post especially if you have little ones, who doesn't love the magic around christmas? I thought Christmas was amazing before kids now it's even more amazing, watching them grow up and get excited for the big man coming, talking about the big man I have a website that you and your children are going to love!
Portable North Pole, You may have seen some free short videos going around on social media, thats all well and good but if you get the Premium one it comes with so so so much more and such a great price for it all too. Last night for instance was amazing, Oscar was playing up a little and will not listen to me at the moment, all his dad so 'I made a little call to Santa', Santa rang Oscar and mentioned he wasn't listening to his mummy and said to behave as it wasn't too late to still be accepted for the nice list, Oscar was smiling at the fact Santa called him and promised he would listen more, win win. I know some parents are totally against bribery but it works in my house plus its light hearted fun. There are also other options of why your child is misbehaving and lovely phone calls too, they even have Happy birthday messages on there which I think is even more extra special to get Santa calling you to wish you a happy birthday.
If you have the premium account also you can watch unlimited videos and have unlimited calls with Santa, they also have a great new addition where you can watch stories, Oscar loved the stories and my favourite bit of it all has to be the reaction recorder which is a new feature on their website, seeing Oscars face light up when he saw Santa was a picture, now he is 4 he really understands and it was just amazing to see him so excited and I will have that forever to keep and share with my family, I know can't wait for Lawson to get to Oscar's age and get excited for Santa to come Christmas Eve. You can download all your videos in HD to keep forever and even show your children when they are older for them to show their children also.
One of Oscars favourite features on there was the 'big book' Santa showed him little snippets of his life and even the gift he wanted for Christmas, if you have children at an age where they are in-between wanting to believe in the magic and not I think this is a great website for them, how could he know what they really wanted? It's one to think about, I know I will be using this for a good few years now, my boys will love it. Even Daddy Mr.Scrooge loves the website especially the phone calls! It is really easy to use and a bargain for under ten pounds.
Will you be getting an account with the Portable North Pole to share the magic with your children?
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