'I'm Alice, otherwise known as Mouse - a 27 year old blogger from London. By day I work in Online Advertising and by night I fill these pages with my ramblings on beauty, fashion and my life and adventures. My space on the internet, Tea Party With Alice, started as a beauty blog in 2013 but has slowly developed into a blog that documents my lifestyle too. As well as featuring my favourite beauty finds, I also share my love for shabby chic decor, my style and all the places I've been.'
Alice blog is absolutely stunning, from her photography to her content! If your new to her blog you could literally get lost in it all, when I first stumbled across Alice's blog a while back I read the first page and within minutes I fell in love and kept pressing the 'older posts' button and soon became a great night time read, so make sure you have a cuppa ready. She has a great range of beauty, fashion and lifestyle posts and all her decor posts are very inspirational too. I also love Alice layout and how easy it is to read, pretty pastels and her photography is beautiful throughout. I was very very jealous after reading this post - treetops and beach huts, as a child, I don't know if it was just me but I always dreamt of an amazing tree house, this looks like the total dream tree house and it looked amazing inside! Go check out Alice blog if you have never had the pleasure of seeing it before, I believe you will be hitting the follow button before you leave!
You can also find Alice on Twitter here - https://twitter.com/tpartywithalice

'I started London Beauty Queen from the comfort of my living room in April 2010, filling a boring day with something a bit different. Little did I know that it would grow to become one of the most respected and successful beauty blogs in the UK, nor that it would become my full time job in the summer of 2013. My main point of difference is that I've worked on 'the other side' and know how the development process works, as well as the tricks that marketers employ to get you to part with cash. My honesty often gets me into trouble, but it also means I don't beat around the bush - I'm not scared to say that hyped-up product is actually a load of rubbish. I love to delve beneath the surface of beauty and tackle 'the science bit', explaining everything from why sulphates and mineral oil aren't that great for you, to how you should should be applying Touche Eclat. I hope you enjoy having a look around what is essentially my brain dumped onto a computer screen...'
I absolutely love Hayley's blog, I am always straight on her page when she has uploaded a new post which is daily with even more than one post most of the time, you can never be bombarded with too much beauty and Hayley's blog is the blog I go to when I need new info on something or a recent product on the market, she also shares great tips and hints to do with blogging and goes into plenty of detail without boring your socks off! She also has a bit of controversial posts thrown into the mix which I love being opinionated myself and love reading others views on different topics, this one being one of many on 'how brands do controversial' themselves! She has dupes, hauls, new releases, favourites, make up, skin, body and hair posts with even health posts too! Again if you have never looked on Hayleys blog I am sure you will be hitting the follow button and will have you reading her blog for hours. She seems like such a lovely down to earth girl on Twitter too after having a few chats on there with her, if you need advice this is the best blogger to go to in my eyes.
You can find Hayley on Twitter here - https://twitter.com/LBQblog

I am very lucky to know this girl personally in real life as well as internet life, I followed Chloe's blog before I knew her though and loved it beforehand but after knowing the girl behind the blog it made me love her blog even more as I know it is true to her and personal. I adore her style posts the most, girl has sass and her lifestyle posts she also throws beauty in the mix with some great reviews, hauls or recommendations. She looks stunning in her most recent outfit post here! I am loving the florals and wish I could pull of that gorgeous two piece, maybe after loosing a lot of weight after baby number two I could pull it off. Chloe's layout is simple yet chic and easy on the eye, you can find everything you need in one swipe and her content has all the information you need without the overload, go check her blog out you won't regret it.
You can also find Chloe on Twitter here - https://twitter.com/unwrittenchloee
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