My mum knew a few weeks ago something wasn't right but kept putting the vets of as she had an inkling what they was going to say. He was honestly the best dog you could ever come across, big cuddly soft bouncing ball of fur hence his name. He would sit by your feet all day if you gave him a little stroke. When I lived at my mums he was always there for me when I was upset and lonely he would just come and put his head upon my lap and look at me as if to say everything will be ok. Through bad break outs he would lie in my bed with me and we would spoon each other even if he did take most of my big double bed up. I used to love taking him on massive long walks to get out the house and clear my head we would go anywhere sometimes for a few hours. He was my best friend, we got to have him for 8 years in our life. My mum got him when he was 3 his old owners had to give him up as she was a busy worker and her kids got older and moved out so didn't have the time for him, it was the best £50 my mum had ever spent. My Grandad also took him on a walk near enough everyday up the Chase he loved it so much. Animals, baby's, elders, teenagers he got on with everyone and everything. He was scared of his own shadow bless him. Sweetest animal I have ever met and loved. Awful to say but I was more devastated when he died then when my nan sadly passed away not long ago due to her illness it was easier to accept as she went away along time before she actually passed away it was easier to deal with. But having Bouncer in our lives and living with every day and finding out two days before he had to be put down just broke my heart completely. I wish there was something that could have cured him but there was nothing we could so sadly.
I couldn't even go to the Vet's with my mum when they put him to rest because it was killing me already. My boyfriend was very fond of him and so was my Son, Oscar said Dog for the first time to Bouncer which will stay in my heart and memory forever. Some of you may find this really sad to have such love and devotion and hurt so bad of the loss but you obviously are not an animal lover and had a pet you have been completely besotted with like I was with mine. They are like humans to me, I love dogs more than most humans to be honest. They are always there for you they may not be able to speak but you know they care. His kisses may have been sloppy but least it showed he loved me. My last kiss to Bouncer :( I just hope he is heaven with my Great Nanny now and there having the time of there life up there. No more pain or suffering, he can run to his hearts content and eat as many treats as he can stomach. When its my time up there I will give him the biggest cuddle ever! All my friends who met him adored him even after meeting him just the once, he will be very sadly missed and in my heart forever.
He got on really well with my friends dog Diesel and Diesel doesn't get on well much with other dogs the loved a play around the field.
See what I mean he loved lying by your feet.
He was always giving Oscar sloppy kisses.
Last Christmas that he didn't make which my Mum was even more sad about :( She was going to leave him going the Vets till after Christmas but we didn't want him suffering any more.
R.I.P To the best dog in the whole wide world, you made our family complete I just hope my own little family dog Alfie will turn out just like you. For now it is goodbye but I will see you again some day. My heart is truly broken at the minute but in time it will heal, there will never be another one of you. <3
I could literally write for ages about him, but I wont bore you all I just loved him so so much.
*mops up keyboard*

Bless ya hun! So sorry to hear about this, I can imagine it's an awful, sad time at the moment. I know what it feels like to lose a pet. I lost my guinea pig a couple of years ago that I'd only had a few years, I had two together (one is still alive), she had a tumour and it wasn't likely she would live through the operation so sadly had to have her put to sleep. Was awful and so sad. My moms/our first family cat died this week aswell. She just turned last week really bad and my mom took her to the vets and she had an x-ray and that and she had a hernia and a pancreatic tumour which had spread to her kidneys. We'd had her for 16 years and I still remember the memory of going with dad to pick the cat up for mom as a surprise. Pets brings loads of memories. It's so sad and yeah some people don't understand. My mom didn't go into work the day Sooty died because she was of course genuinely upset and my sister rang in for her cause she felt awkward ringing in and explaining because it's true that some people don't understand. I'm really sorry again hun and I hope you have lots of lovely memories to cherish :) sending hugs!
ReplyDeleteGem xx
Thank you for your kind words lovely :) SO sorry about your pets :( It truly is heartbreaking. There such a big part of your lifes. Just trying not to cry too much just hurts so bad. Thanks alot sending hugs back :) xoxoxox
DeleteAgain in so sorry for your loss! I can completely sympathise with you. Our lab Jasper started slowing down on his walks and we took him to the vet thinking he was sick and some antibiotics would fix it. After lots of tests it turned out he had lukemia and there wasn't anything they could do. For many weeks he seemed perfectly fine (apart from slow walks) but his breathing started getting faster and he got to the point where he was suffering so we decided it was the right time to put him to sleep. On that day he got so bad that he slipped away at home. We were glad as he hated the vets so the car ride there would of been so stressful for him.
ReplyDeleteI know it hurts now but soon you will have memories of him that will make you smile instead of cry.
Gemma x