Hello lovelies, today I have for you a review of bibs. I'm sure all the parent bloggers out there will love or anyone out there who looks after a little one.

I got my first ever Funky Giraffe bib before Oscar was born and that was a long long way back when a friend of mine owned her own baby shop and she actually sold funky giraffe bibs and me not being intelligent to go searching for them online I never looked them up! My friends shop closed after a short period of time and I never heard of a funky giraffe bib again! Until one day I read my emails and a lovely PR lady asked if I would like to review three of my choice! I was delighted and immediately emailed back saying yes.
The only thing is there are soo many to choose from. All gorgeous designs, you can have plain colour, paisley, stripes, dots, stars, dinosaurs, florals, flags, areoplanes, animals, skulls. You get the drift right. Oscar is now 16 months and doesn't necessary need a bib any more but I find the bandanna bibs such a stylish accessory! Plus no matter your child's age they always end up getting messy right?
They come in all range's of sizes to suit the size of your child and go up to an XXL.
These are the three I picked, not knowing that one was pink! Was obviously having a needing to go to specsavers day as I thought it was red! Woops but I'm going to give this away to any Mummy's or Daddy's out there who have a little princess.
As you can see the quality is amazing, gorgeous prints, bright, really attract your eyes straight away! Then you see my pink accident. The paisley one is my favorite.
Paisley Prince
A close up of the paisley design isn't it just gorgeous? A soft blue paisley design on top of the dark blue background. Would look great as an every day use to stop your child from every day dribbles and drools and mucky pups to also looking good suited an booted at a formal event. I have to bribe Oscar to keep still with raisins, he used to be so photogenic as a baby aha. Now it's just impossible getting him to stay still unless Mickey Mouse is in front of him.
Stripes R US
I loved the simplicity of the stripes as its bright and cheery colours which look beautiful against Oscars gorgeous blue eyes with the red popping and navy and white together also. I have washed this a couple of times and the colours still fantastic and bright!
Simply Crimson Cotton Comfort Bib
I obviously didn't read the description right on this one and just ordered fast as I couldn't wait to try them all out, sorry Oscar aha. But the two he will get lots of use out of them, I obviously didn't try this out on him as that would have been cruel not that it wouldn't look nice on a boy. If you have a boy who likes wearing then good for you before people jump the gun again aha!
All the bibs are lovely and soft made from a non fraying Jersey Cotton on the front to absorb any dribble and what not then a fleece back as a barrier to stop any wetness going through to your child's chest. They don't irritate the baby's/child's skin at all and easily washable. They can't pull them of like Oscar has tried thanks to the button nickel free pressed poppers and there designs are just beautiful. They are about £4-£4.50 each but the more you buy the cheaper they are! If your looking for some bibs for your baby or child I couldn't recommend these enough to you! Just have a look on there website and see all the lovely designs they have you will want them all. Even celebs buy there bibs like Sienna Miller!
Thanks Funky Giraffe for sending me your bibs me and Oscar love them x
Twitter; https://twitter.com/FunkyGiraffebib
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