Claire & Nic
These pair are the loveliest girls I have spoke to on Twitter, both mummies who became best friends over the internet in 2008 and have been great friends ever since and thought it would be a great idea to combine beauty knowledge and more and do a blog together which is bloody fantastic in my opinion. I have loved these girls on Twitter for a while and there blog watching it grow so progressively with amazing reviews, lovely photography, tips, tags and lifestyle posts. What better way to write on a platform you love writing about than with your best friend? They have the right idea and a mum myself I know it can be quite stressful trying to got everything in and making everyone at home happy so they can both share the load, every single post gets me gripped and makes me click the continue reading button. my favorite posts of theirs most recently has to be blogging on a budget and all about expiry dates although I am dreadful and keeping to them! Both very informative and helpful posts, if you don't already follow them you are really missing out, click on there link above and see for yourself.
Connect with Claire & Nic - Bloglovin, Twitter, Instagram.
Let me know what you think to the lovely Claire & Nic's blog in the comments below beauties.
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